VIKINGS MC ENGLAND - Company Message
Vikings M.C. was first established in late 1969, in Surrey, England. As such Vikings are one of the oldest M.C. Back-patch Clubs in England.
Our colours are blue and black on white with black borders.
Our centre-patch is a Viking Death’s-head facing forward.
In 1969, when the Club was formed, the Club name was “Hells Angels Vikings M.C.”, H.A.V.M.C. were not affiliated to any other Hells Angels type club and remained an independent unit run by its members.
In 1973, four of the Surrey based members moved to Ireland to start a new Vikings Chapter there. By 1975 V.M.C was well established in Dublin. Further to this, V.M.C.N. Chapters arose out of Carlow, Wexford and Cork. Today the four Chapters proudly fly the “Ireland” bottom rocker.
The change of Back-patches in 1980 was mainly due to the fact that H.A.V.M.C. were a rogue and un-chartered club. Its members wished to remain an independent club run by the members within it, without any outside intervention. In the early years H.A.V.M.C. had many run-ins with other clubs in England and remained in a constant state of war with certain clubs within England whilst flying the un-chartered Back-patches.
In 1980, some of the Hells Angels in England had banded together and were in the final stages of getting all of the Hells Angels in England to fly under the one banner. The Vikings were invited to the early meetings of Hells Angels to discuss the formation of the All England Hells Angels, but declined the offer.
The Vikings had controlled their own destiny and would continue to do so by their own will under the new Back-patch of Vikings M.C. Nomad. The Vikings are proud of their independence and continue to live their lives as they see fit to do so.
Over the years The Vikings M.C. has grown strong its Chapters, in Surrey, Sussex, Ireland, Europe and Nomad, are run by the individual members for members, each as an independent club in their own right. Able to make their own decisions without the interference of outside forces. All Chapters retain close ties with the many Chapters now present. Each Chapter has its own specific rules by which they abide by, yet we all exist and stand together in times of trouble, in quieter times we stand alone in our own independence and have remained democratic as our founder members intended.
We are our own men and we answer to ourselves and dance to nobody’s tune, but our own. Such is our destiny by method of continuous improvement and expansion without question. We continue with the pioneering spirit that our club name suggests.
From a small planted acorn our tree of life was born, it has many branches. It continues to grow stronger, from its roots upwards.
Our history is buried in these roots, we cannot see them, nevertheless they are there.
copyright 1986 VMCS